Wednesday, June 22, 2016

These cuties need a new home!

  These guinea pigs need new homes urgently. They want a new home and we try our best to get them in the most amazing home! No form required, and you can stop by and purchase one for $18. We'll give you a small box to put them in. ( Do not keep them in there as a home! ) These are  American guinea pigs that need new homes! Adopt one today! We're up and early from 8:00 am to 7:30 pm. Have a great day! 

                                       Many choices are available! These are just half of them!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

  I am selling guinea pigs, in fact there are 8 for sale. New posts will be made once certain guineapig(s) get sold. Here are all the images of these cuties!   A baby piggie and its friend! They love to be together, and if you want these two, they're only $36 for a pair!

 3 babies are wandering around her hiding place! Aww, they're so cute! The guinea pig hiding is less then a year old and loves to eat grass and carrots!

 All the adorable babies huddled together, and a pretty grey and white guinea pig! 

 This one's a boy, and he's super cuddly and small for his age! He's less then a year old and is very energetic and loves cucumber! He isn't aggressive and he would go great with another guinea pig that isn't too bossy.

 This one's a baby, and it loves to huddle up with other guinea pigs around her to keep safe! She loves carrots the most! She also is very energetic and loves to play chase with the other guinea pigs around her!

 This cutie here is one adorable furry friend! She's less then a year old and likes to eat human food when no one's looking! She loves cucumbers, carrots, celery, basically any vegetable you can think of! She also likes to sit on top of the igloos!! 

 This baby is posing for the camera! (S)he loves to run and hide under the house or in the tiny igloo. (S)he also likes to play chase with her fellow baby friends! 

If you want one of these guinea pigs, just ask! I'm open to any requests for one. Each is $18, and they all get along nicely. If you own guinea pigs, I hope you find that perfect friend for that guinea pig!
Contact me at: (337) - 519 - 2769.